A public bank account for everyone.


Proving there is enough. Everyone has the opportunity to make a deposit or a request on Venmo. Zero paperwork. Abundant human goodness. Every single transaction is visible. Let’s move from scarcity to abundance together.

How it Works

  • Make a Deposit

    You have enough and care about creating a more beautiful world. So, you publicly deposit whatever amount of money feels aligned. You can add a note of where you’d like the funds to flow. These funds then become a public resource for people to access.

  • Make a Request

    You are in need or there is beauty you’d like to create, it could be anything big or small; buy groceries, pay for school, new art supplies. If it aligns with the guiding principles, is set to public and we are resourced, you will be given the requested funds. No strings attached.

  • Share Beauty

    After you’ve contributed or used the funds, let us and your community know. By sharing your story, you change the story, and remind people of their power to create change.

“There is another world, but it is in this one.”

— Yeats

Guiding Principles

  1. Trust in people’s goodness.

2. Believe anything is possible.

3. Share resources transparently.

4. And, Bill Murray.

Take a stand - “I have enough”

A way for individuals and companies to contribute freely.